Record of Project Personnel EEO Meeting Financial Project NumberDate of MeetingCrew ChiefProject NameDescribe Location Where Meeting Was HeldCERTIFICATION OF MEETING: The signature below is certification that a meeting was held with project personnel informing them of their equal employment opportunity (EEO) civil rights, company’s policies and various wage/payroll protections. The major topics were addressed and a signed attendance record was made.SignatureMAJOR TOPICS ADDRESSED:Topics Discussed EEO Policy and Affirmative Action Plan Identification of EEO Officer Work force diversity and recruitment Wages and Payrolls Utilization of Disadvantaged Businesses Bulletin Boards Interviews by State and Federal representatives Training opportunities Complaints Name 1Signature 1Name 2Signature 2Name 3Signature 3Name 4Signature 4Name 5Signature 5Name 6Signature 6Name 7Signature 7Name 8Signature 8Name 9Signature 9Name 10Signature 10