Tool Box Talk Take 5 Minutes for Safety: Required at the beginning of the each shift and recommended anytime the work requirements change. Take 5 minutes for safety program is a communication process for crews, discussing risks and performing risk assessments as well as communicating with employees the established methods and best practices for reducing identified risks. (In no way does this list below attempt to identify all the safety responsibilities and/or duties that you assume).DateCrew ChiefBRM#/ Project NameToday's Safety Topic Daily Toolbox Safety talks and weekly Safety Topics meeting will be held and documented, all employee must sign for each meeting. High visibility safety apparel meeting the requirements of FDOT, should be worn by all workers on the job site. All necessary PPE-Hard Hats, BLACKROCK Milling work shirts (and or reflective safety vest), Long pants, and a pair of sturdy work shoes will be standard dress. Any PPE to protect you from the hazards of the work required (i.e. safety glasses, gloves, etc) Seat belts must be worn while operating company vehicles. Each individual is responsible for their own safety and safe actions for today. Watch out for fellow workers. All vehicles, construction equipment in the workzone at night or during hours of darkness shall have appropriate clearance lights, side marker lights, tail lights, etc., Illuminated and fully visible to approaching traffic. All construction vehicles and equipment traveling in the workzone shall do so at reduced speeds and extreme care and caution. Horns and back-up alarms must be provided and operational on all equipment required by OSHA. A spotter must be available for any operation involving a truck that must back up to a material transfer device, milling/grinding machine, or any area where there are ground personnel and/or hazards inherent to the backing and unloading/loading process. * If you see any job equipment backing up to BLACKROCK Milling equipment without a spotter/observer, Stop the equipment backing up immediately. Never use a cell phone when working around heavy machinery. BLACKROCK Milling is committed to maintain a safe and efficient working environment. Persons who work while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol present a safety hazard to themselves and their co-workers. Drugs and Alcohol are not allowed at any time. Always perform pre-operational checks before putting any BLACKROCK Milling equipment into operation. Report all incidents of personal injury, property damage & near misses and take necessary action. Signature 1Name/Title 1Signature 2Name/Title 2Signature 3Name/Title 3Signature 4Name/Title 4Signature 5Name/Title 5Signature 6Name/Title 6Signature 7Name/Title 7Signature 8Name/Title 8Supervisor Signature includes confirmation of the following: In the last week I have not suffered any work-related injury or illness that has not been reported to my Supervisor.